Mango Pomelo Sago Panna Cotta

Coconut milk 175g
Whipping cream 175g
Sugar 70g
Gelatin 4g
Lucky Tree Red Grapefruit 20ml
Shinethie Canned Grapefruit Sacs some
Water 100ml
Gelatin 2g
Lucky Tree Mango 2.5oz
Water 120ml
Fresh milk 120g
Whipping cream 80g
Gelatin 6g

1. Coconut Panna Cotta  (Ingredients 1~4)

(1) Add coconut milk, whipping cream, sugar in a pot and heat over low until sugar dissloves. Turn off the heat. Add soaked gelatin and stir until dissolved.

(2) Pour in a mold about to 1/3 of its height and chill it. Refrigerate until firm.

2. Grapefruit Jelly  (Ingredients 5~8)

(1) Layer with Shinethie Canned Grapefruit Sacs on top of the coconut panna cotta. Put aside.

(2) Add water in a pot and bring to boil. Turn off the heat. Add soaked gelatin and stir until dissloved.

(3) Pour over coconut panna cotta until pomelo pulps are completely covered. Allow to chill and refrigerate until firm.

3. Mango Panna Cotta (Ingredients 9~13)

(1) Mix well Lucky Tree Mango and water. Put aside.

(2) Add milk, whipping cream in a pot and heat it up until 80℃. Turn off the heat. Add soaked gelatin and stir until dissolved. Then Add the mango mixture and stir well.

(3) After sieving, pour over pomelo jelly until the cup is full. Chill it and refrigerate until firm.

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