Milk Capped Peach Green Tea Slush

Shinethie Pinky Peach Pulpy Jam (stripes) 1tbsp
Shinethie Pinky Peach Pulpy Jam 2tbsp
Lucky Tree Peach Fruit Syrup 20ml
Green tea bag 1bag
Boiling water 120ml
Ice cubes 260g
Cheese foam some

1. Green tea brewing: pour boiling water over tea bag and steep for 4 minutes. Remove the tea bag and put aside.
2. Swirl Shinethie Pinky Peach Pulpy Jam around the insides of a serving cup. Put aside. 
3. Blend ice cubes, green tea, Shinethie Pinky Peach Pulpy Jam and Lucky Tree Peach until slushy. Pour into the cup. 
4. Top the slush with cheese foam to serve. 
5. Substitute green tea bag with black tea bag if desired.

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